Hijabers Singapore

"We will show them our proofs in the horizons, and within themselves, until they realize that this is the truth. Is your Lord not sufficient as a witness of all things?" -The Holy Quran 41:53

Hijabers Singapore

"I believe in the religion of Islam. I believe in Allah and peace." - Muhammad Ali

Hijabers Singapore

"I did not come into contact with any Muslim before I embraced Islam. I read the Qur'an first and realized no person is perfect, Islam is perfect, and if we imitate the conduct of the Holy Prophet... we will be successful." - Cat Stevens

Hijabers Singapore

"To speak to Allah, no breath is lost. To walk with Allah, no strength is lost. To wait for Allah, no time is lost. So trust in Allah and you will never be lost."

Hijabers Singapore

"Our body is our veil in the world: we are like a sear hidden beneath a straw." -Rumi (Mathnawi [IV, 823])

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Hijab Story - The Baby

A’Salam Hijabers,

I would like to share how I made the hijrah from being a defiant to a Muslimah-in-progress.

I was a ‘naughty’ girl like most teenager/young adults we were expose to many vices and temptations. I drank, smoke and had multiple partners. I wasn’t ashamed in wearing sexy clothing that showed my womanly body. The more people looked at me be it male or female, I liked it. I loved the attention though I always acted cool about it.

Then I found my life partner. He wasn’t a saint either. We partied together till we got married and promised that we will ‘slow down’ and will ‘cut down’ vices altogether when the time is right. When is the ‘right time’?  I always asked. Most people I spoke to will say, ‘You will know’.

Pray, I rarely do my obligations, only when I’m sad or in need of a revelation. Then the catastrophe came. I’m pregnant and my baby might be disabled. I cried hopelessly and kept asking the ‘Why Me?’ questions. I kept blaming myself for all the sins that I have done and now my baby is paying the price. I had nightmares of how my baby might look like and the ridicule that he/she will face from others. I was in near depression. I was helpless. I find solace in prayers. I started praying. I went for my pilgrimage. The 36 weeks were a very anxious and traumatic experience. Praises to Allah, my baby was normal. All the tests that concluded that my baby might be disabled were merely tests from HIM. Allah won’t test a person beyond his/her capabilities and every time He tests you, He is only making you stronger. Have faith in Him and yourself.  

I only wore hijab a few years after that. I wanted to make sure that I do this for HIM and not anyone else. The feeling was great. I feel naked without it. The strange thing is I don’t feel hot or will perspire profusely like how I used to think I’d feel. I pray that I will never remove my hijab under any circumstances. I don’t claim being a saint now, but I am more conscious on how I act and talk to people. I don’t change on who I am inside just mending ways to be a better person. I am still learning. I still have my flaws and I am determined to be a better Muslimah, a role model for my children to emulate. InsyaAllah.

Thank you Hijabers for reading this. If you do publish my story, I hope I can inspire more sisters out there not to be afraid and always to have faith. HE is always there. HE does not fail us, we fail HIM.


P.S : Alhamdulilah. Thank you Noor for your story. I am sure the Hijabers will appreciate this.

Published With Love & Gratitude to the All-Mighty by Hijabers Singapore <3

Lovely Hijabers

MasyaAllah -   الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ , اللَّهُمَّ كَمَا أَنْتَ حَسَّنْتَ خَلْقِي فَحَسِّنْ خُلُقِي

All praises are due to Allah, O Allah as you have given me a good physical form, so also favour me with good morals and manners.

Published With Love & Gratitude to the Al-Mighty by Hijabers Singapore <3