1) Covering face
Q: Is covering the face compulsory for muslim women?
A: The ulama differ in opinion on covering the face for women. The first opinion is that it is wajib. They based their opinion on verse 59, surah Al-Ahzab, in which they infer that lowering the garment in that verse implies covering the face too. The ulama in this group then differ among themselves on which part of the face must be covered and which part can be uncovered. Some of them are of the view that the whole face should be covered including the eyes. Some said only one eye can be visible. Some said both eyes can be visible but not other parts of the face including the eyebrow. Some said the eye and forehead can be uncovered.
The second opinon is that covering the face is mustahab or even wajib if there is a fitnah.
The third opinion is that the face is not aurat, thus it is not necessary to cover the face. The ulama in this group then differ on the range of aurat for women. Some said that only the face and the hands below the wrist are not aurat. Some said the face and arm are not aurat. Some add to the list by saying that the feet is also not aurat.
The original position of Imam Syafii is that covering the face is wajib. But the accepted position of most ulama of the Syafii Mazhab is that the face and hands below the wrist are not aurat. A few ulama of the Syafii mazhab stated that the feet is also not aurat outside solat
2)Validation of solat after aurat is exposed
Q: Is a solat valid if a woman's aurah, for example her feet, is exposed during solat without her realising it?
A: Any aurat exposed during solat will cause that solat to be invalidated. Hence, women should ensure that when they are performing the sujud, their feets are not exposed. This can be easily solved by using socks. However, if a woman does not realise that her feet is exposed, her solat is considered valid, because invalidity depends on the realisation of the person performing the solat.
Source : www.muis.gov.sg
If you have any questions pertaining Aurat, do email to us at hijabers.sg@gmail.com. We will get someone of knowledge (MUIS/ustazah/ustaz) to answer your questions.
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